365 Market Research. Custom Insights That You Can Act On.

With tracking on over 600 POS systems you can gain insights on transactions, individual consumer habits and locations. Our data will tell you how consumers bundle your products and what time of day your product sells best, ensuring you can create the most informed and effective targeted promotions. 

Get custom insights

Price Like a Pro: Uncover Profit Potential.

Stop leaving money on the table. 365 Retail Markets empowers you to optimize your pricing strategy for maximum impact. We leverage point-of-sale data, giving you deep insights. With the knowledge below in hand, you can craft a pricing strategy that maximizes revenue, profit, and unit sales, all while hitting your key performance indicators (KPIs).

  • Product Velocity by Price Point

    Understand how price fluctuations affect how quickly your products are being purchased.

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  • Category Competition

    See how your products stack up against the competition within specific categories, allowing you to make informed pricing decisions.

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  • Sales According to Geographic Regions

    Uncover regional buying trends to tailor your pricing strategy for maximum profitability across diverse markets.

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Make Informed Inventory Decisions.

Not all products are created equal. 365 Retail Markets empowers you with data-driven insights to identify slow-moving SKUs (stock keeping units). By analyzing purchase behavior patterns, we can help you:

  • Make Informed Decisions About Product Selection

    Focus on stocking items that resonate with your target audience, maximizing shelf space and minimizing wasted inventory.

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  • Optimize Your Product Mix Across Locations

    Tailor your offerings to specific regions based on local buying trends, ensuring you deliver the products consumers crave.

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  • Free Up Valuable Resources

    By eliminating slow-moving SKUs, you can streamline your inventory, freeing up resources for more profitable offerings and driving overall sales growth.

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Future-Proof Your Inventory: Spot Trends Before They Explode.

The retail landscape is ever-evolving. 365 Retail Markets keeps you ahead of the curve with the power of AI-driven trend forecasting. Our intelligent systems analyze vast amounts of data, pinpointing emerging trends with high-growth potential. 

  • Proactively Adjust Your Brand Selection and Product Assortment

    Stock the shelves with the items consumers are craving before the competition catches on.

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  • Capitalize on New Market Opportunities.

    Be the first to tap into burgeoning trends, maximizing sales and establishing yourself as a retail leader.

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  • Future-Proof Your Business

    By anticipating consumer behavior, you can make informed decisions that ensure your brand stays relevant and thrives in a dynamic market.

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Unleash Your Customers Voices.

365 Retail Markets empowers you with the ability to create custom surveys directly at the point of sale.

  • Gather Real-Time Customer Feedback

    Capture valuable insights the moment a purchase is made, ensuring you get the most accurate and actionable data.

    Man paying with apple watch at kiosk
  • Measure Brand Health and Awareness

    Understand how customers perceive your brand and identify areas for improvement.

    man using headphones
  • Gauge Purchase Intent

    Uncover which products resonate most with your audience and tailor your offerings accordingly.

    Person scanning salad with payment terminal on vending machine

Gain Actionable Insights with 365 Market Research.

Unlock custom insights with tracking on over 600 POS systems. Understand transactions, individual consumer habits, and locations to create informed and effective targeted promotions. Discover how consumers bundle your products and determine the best time of day for sales. Contact us today to leverage our data and enhance your marketing strategy with precise, actionable insights.