PayPlus Omni Payment Device. 

Provide increased payment versatility to satisfy a range of customers. Deploy PayPlus Omni on your vending machines to accept cash or cashless payment options at one unified device.

Expand your payment options and capture more sales with the PayPlus Omni.

Vending Payment PayPlus Omni | PayPlus Omni

Why choose PayPlus Omni?

  • Never miss a sale

    Offer the convenience of cash and cashless payments, including credit, debit, mobile wallets (Apple Pay & Google Pay), and student cards.

    Boost Sales Icon
  • Simple transactions

    One device, cash and cashless options. Increase revenues by ensuring an intuitive payment experience.

    Cashless Pay
  • Easy installation

    Mount PayPlus Omni over your existing bill acceptor to create one, unified payment terminal.

    Hardware Icon
  • Powerful management

    Use machine data to gain valuable insights and track sales performance.

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  • Expert support

    Our 7-day-a-week support team is here to answer your questions and ensure success.

    Customer Support Icon
  • Increase revenue

    Cater to every audience: tech-savvy customers who prefer cashless payments or old-school buyers who utilize cash. 

    Boost Sales Icon

Create a Connected Breakroom Experience with PayPlus Omni.

PayPlus Omni integrates seamlessly with 365 Retail Markets' Mobile Payment Platform. This means your customers can enjoy the ultimate convenience of using a single payment method across all your offerings - vending machines, micro markets, and even dining facilities.

  • One Account for Everything

    With the 365Pay app, customers can link their preferred payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and even stored value accounts. This allows them to breeze through purchases at any 365-powered location, eliminating the need to carry cash or manage multiple accounts.

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  • An Easier Experience for Your Employees

    An employee grabs a bottle of water from the vending machine in the morning using their phone. Later, at the micro market, they pick up a healthy snack using the same account. Finally, for lunch, they head to the cafeteria and pay for their meal with a quick tap on their phone – all without ever needing to switch accounts or fumble for cash.

  • Make Vending Selections Right from Your Mobile Phone

    With a bluetooth connection to PayPlus Omni, you can browse, select and vend products from a vending machine, and enjoy one-click checkout, all with the 365Pay app.

  • Learn more about our Connected Campus

PayPlus Omni is designed to connect seamlessly with:

  • MM6 Mini

    MM6 Mini Kiosk

    Running markets in addition to vending machines? Try the MM6 Mini kiosk, a powerful, sleek kiosk with both countertop and wall mount options.

    Learn more

  • Stockwell


    Vending machines serve their own purpose. But if you want to extend your offerings and enhance the consumer experience, consider secure micro markets like Stockwell.

    Learn more

  • Secure Vending

    PicoCooler Vision

    Looking to upgrade an existing beverage machine? The PicoCooler Vision has a high beverage capacity and eliminates friction from the consumer experience with a grab-and-go experience that utilizes AI product recognition.

    Learn more

Empower your customers and boost your bottom line with PayPlus Omni. 

Interested in upgrading your vending machines with our seamless cashless solution? Get in touch today to learn more about PayPlus Omni from 365 Retail Markets.