365 Prekitting. Unleash the Power of a Smarter Warehouse.

Our top-of-the-line warehouse prekitting systems automate manual tasks, minimizing errors and freeing up your team's valuable time.

The best part? You won't break the bank. 365's solutions are designed to be scalable and affordable, no matter the size of your operation. Focus on what matters most – growing your business – and leave the warehouse headaches to us.

Streamline your warehouse, simplify your operations

  • Effortless Prekitting Workflows

    Prekitting workflows become a breeze, allowing your team to fulfill orders faster and smoother, increasing overall efficiency.

    Effortless workflows icon
  • Eliminate Picking Errors

    Say goodbye to picking errors with clear, visual cues that make it easy to grab the right items every time, ensuring accuracy.

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  • Accelerate Order Fulfillment

    Pick up the pace and get orders out the door faster with our streamlined picking process, enhancing delivery speed.

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  • Quick and Smooth Implementation

    Enjoy a quick and smooth implementation with onsite training, getting your team up and running in no time.

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  • Seamless System Integration

    Our system seamlessly integrates with all major VMS and micro market systems, ensuring compatibility with your existing setup.

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  • Boost Efficiency and Satisfaction

    Empower your team to elevate your entire operation. Our solutions make prekitting a breeze, resulting in increased efficiency and happier fulfillment crews, leading to satisfied customers.

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Turn New Employees into Picking Pros in Just 15 Minutes.

Easy to use and fast to learn, 365’s Prekitting software helps new employees master product picking in just 15 mins.

The software’s user-friendly interface guides employees step-by-step to products and precise quantities – with intuitive tools designed to ensure consistency and accuracy throughout the pre-kitting process.

With its fast-learning curve and easy to follow steps, 365’s software helps create a more agile, productive workforce in less time and at a fraction of the cost.


Grow Your Bottom Line Without Growing Your Workforce.

Work smarter, faster, and more efficient. 365’s advanced warehousing software optimizes your entire prekitting process – helping fewer employees manage more work, more effectively and with greater accuracy.

365’s powerful software unlocks efficiencies throughout your warehouse operations. Single item picking brings greater precision and makes it easier to scale, tailor, and adapt orders to meet the most diverse operational needs; while sophisticated mapping and validation tools, accelerate prekitting to significantly reduce the time it takes to prepare orders.

This modernized approach to prekitting, combined with the system's efficiency in operation and training, helps cut labor costs and boosts your bottom line.

Expand Your Prekitting Capabilities.

Take control of your warehouse with our flexible prekitting solutions. No matter the size of your operation, our systems are designed to optimize your picking process and achieve peak efficiency. Discover the tools and technology that can expand your prekitting capabilities.

  • FastTrack: Optimize Your Prekitting Process

    FastTrack’s pick-to-light system is ideal for growing businesses facing labor shortages. It optimizes warehouse space, frees up personnel, and addresses staffing challenges, ensuring your operations run smoothly even with limited staff.

    Trusted in convenience services, FastTrack’s LED lights guide prekitting activities, accelerating order fulfillment. With FastTrack, you can reduce labor costs and optimize operations. Benefit from turn-key installation and onsite training for a smooth transition and immediate savings.

  • Xpress: Enhance Accuracy and Speed

    Xpress is designed to eliminate inefficiencies in your picking process, allowing your team to slash labor costs for as little as $25 a day. By creating improved workflows, Xpress reduces the need for overtime and boosts overall labor efficiency.

    The user-friendly Xpress app guides workers through the most efficient routes, enabling multi-order picking and real-time confirmation of picked items. This ensures accuracy and speed, helping your team pick like pros every time.

    Xpress Prekitting

Enhance Your Prekitting Efficiency.

Ready to optimize your warehouse operations with advanced prekitting solutions? Contact us today to learn how FastTrack and Xpress can streamline your picking process, reduce labor costs, and boost order accuracy. Discover the benefits of our innovative systems and take your warehouse efficiency to the next level with 365 Inventory Management.