3 Tips for a More Efficient Warehouse

In this episode of Minute with Marler, learn three essential tips for running a more efficient warehouse, including how to organize your pick line, balancing your load for pre-kitting efficiency, and utilizing target timers for improved performance.

Tip 1: Labeling the Front of the Lights

Imagine the scenario where a wrong product is placed in a slot on the pick line. This small error can cascade into numerous incorrect orders throughout the day. To avoid such frustrating situations, it's crucial to label the front of your pick line lights with clear product descriptions. This enables pickers to verify that the product in the slot matches the description on the light, ensuring accurate picks and preventing costly mistakes.

Tip 2: Balancing Load for Pre-kitting Efficiency

Whether you're using carts or conveyors for pre-kitting, it's essential to balance the load on the pick line. If all high-volume items are concentrated in one section, it can cause traffic jams and slow down pickers. To maintain a steady workflow, distribute high, medium, and low-volume products across the entire line. Place high-volume items in the middle, medium-volume items on the top, and low-volume items at the bottom. This not only improves efficiency but also minimizes physical strain on employees, as they won't have to bend over repeatedly to pick items.

Tip 3: Utilizing Target Timers for Improved Performance

Humans are inherently competitive, and leveraging this trait can positively impact warehouse productivity. Implementing a target timer system can motivate pickers to work efficiently and stay on schedule. Operators set specific metrics for their employees to achieve throughout the day. The target timer then calculates the expected completion time for each order and counts down as they progress. Green indicates being on schedule, yellow signals a slowdown, and red indicates falling behind. This allows pickers to self-monitor their progress and make adjustments to meet targets. In some cases, operators even offer incentives for finishing tasks ahead of schedule, fostering a productive work environment.

By implementing these three tips, you can optimize your Fast Track pick lines and reduce the occurrence of errors, resulting in a more efficient warehouse

Run a More Efficient Warehouse