Minute with Marler: 3 Advantages of FastTrack V.2


David Marler recently visited Seventh Wave Refreshments in Atlanta for the latest installment of Minute With Marler! In this episode, David demonstrates the brand new FastTrack V2.

While much of the original FastTrack functionality remains, we’ve added a few new features that we’re excited to share. Check it out:


What’s New with FastTrack V.2?

1. New Aluminum Railing

The first feature that we’re excited to share is the new aluminum railing. By replacing the previous plastic model with the new aluminum one, we’ve created a more durable and easier-to-clean track for your pick line.

2. Continuous Cable

You also might have noticed the second major change—the new, continuous cable. Before, there were terminal blocks at the end of each shelf. Now, the wiring connects on one continuous run to the all-in-one computer. By doing this, the wiring has become more stable while also enabling our third new feature.

3. Simplified Design

While the light system stays the same, you may notice the lack of track covers on the FastTrack V.2. Because the track is aluminum and the cable wiring is completely enclosed, we were able to simplify the design and remove the need for a track cover. The best part? It removes the need to replace the track covers every time you’d like to move a light. Simply snap them into where you’d like them.


Interested? See It In Person


Those who attend the NAMA Show in Atlanta will be able to get an exclusive first look at this new feature. Stop by booth #713 to take a look or reserve some time with a LightSpeed team member for a demonstration by filling out the form below:

Schedule A Demo at NAMA