New Year’s Resolutions: 3 Tips For Keeping 2019 Resolutions At Work

Learn how micro markets can help your locations stick to their goals.

Raise your virtual hand if you’ve made 2019 resolutions and are dedicated to sticking to them this year. Yep, our hand is raised too.

To eat healthier, lose weight, work out, and quit bad habits are just a few New Year resolution examples that you may have.

With fire-lit eyes and a new gym schedule in the planner: many of us have this year on track, right? But wait. There's that Butterfinger in your customers’ micro market that's staring them in the face, threatening to tear their self-discipline and well-established goals in half!

As an operator, how do you help your locations maintain a healthy 2019? Here are a few ways you can support your customers New Year goals with micro markets.

1. Offer Fresh and Healthy Snacks

Eating healthy at work shouldn’t be difficult for your locations and providing fresh food shouldn’t be something that you’re ignoring in 2019. Consumers demand healthy options and it provides you with business opportunities. So what’s not to love? Here are some tips on how to manage your fresh food.

Traditional vending machines provide packaged goods that tend to include artificial ingredients and don’t follow healthy guidelines.

Provide fresh items such as fruit, yogurt, and salads in your micro markets. These snacks will help your locations to stay on top of their 2019 goals and provides the right energy to fuel their workday.

2. Utilize Digital Signage and Printed Signs

Be the hero your micro market customers deserve and empower them to make the right 2019 choices by using digital or printed signage!

You know you've got healthy snack options in your market, but they may not. Keep their year in check with some motivational quotes, promote your spoilage-risk fresh items, or even have a healthy item of the week feature, all via digital signage.

Did you know that some backend systems allow you to issue promotions and product bundling? Get these hot deals out to your customers over eye-catching printed material, maybe some New Year's themed flyers to keep people on track.

3. Implement an Employee Initiative Program

A micro market is a great recruitment tool and, by incorporating it into an employee recognition program, will show your locations employees that you support and encourage healthy lifestyles.

Have your locations implement a program that promotes healthy eating. For example, developing a loyalty program, where employees receive a certain amount of points for purchasing a salad or other healthy item, and then they can use those points to receive cash to spend in the market.

In addition to a loyalty program, your locations can put money on employee accounts to spend on fresh food. Who doesn’t want FREE money? By using a simple micro market app to checkout, employees can easily get the snacks they need that support their 2019 goals and get them back to what matters at work.

The Takeaway

By offering fresh and healthy snacks, utilizing digital signage and printed ads, along with working with your locations HR departments to implement employee initiative programs, your customers won’t have an excuse for not sticking to their 2019 health goals with micro markets.

Ready to step up your game in 2019?

Contact Us!

Top Healthy Snacks at Smaller Markets 

Stock your markets with these top healthy snacks to help your locations stick to their 2019 New Year's Resolutions at work.

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If being healthy is one of your New Year’s resolutions, it’s most likely on your customer's list as well. Provide your clients with an easy way to maintain their goals at work with healthy micro markets options. Read More...